It’s been a busy week! - DeafHope

It’s been a busy week!

The DeafHope Empowerment Directors had a great time at a conference on capacity building hosted by the Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence and Casa de Esperanza.

APIIDV Institute

[image description: On the left side Aracelia Aguilar, Amber Hodson and Tara Holcomb are standing together in a conference room. Amber is holding Tara’s sleeping baby. On the right side is an image of a large sheet of flipchart paper with a tree drawn on it. Orange post-its along the roots of the tree have words like social justice, Deaf/ASL, collectivism, survivor, confidentiality.  It is titled Core Values above it.  To the side of the trunk it says Organizational Infrastructure and orange post-its say shared leadership, self-care, space for intensive discussion, policies and practice, ASL fluent staff. Drawn at the top of the tree are leaves, apples and flowers. Words are written into the apples and leaves such as support group, online resource center, communication access, peer counseling, training for Deaf community and hearing, transformative justice, survivor empowerment, Deaf shelter.  To the side it says Programs/Outcomes.]