Free Computer and Internet for Low-Income Families

DeafHope is sharing information to our community about this program.  Please contact them if you are in need.



[Image: Flyer from OTX West, Internet Essentials/Comcast and East Bay Connects.  Text reads Free internet for first 6 months for families that qualify and Free computer and tech support for new broadband subscribers. Call East Bay Connects Contact Center 866-460-7439 Mon-Fri 9-6. To qualify for free 6 months of broadband: 1) Students must qualify for free or reduced lunch in schools. 2) You can not be a current Comcast broadband subscriber or within the last 90 days. 3) You can not have an outstanding balance with Comcast. After 6 months, service converts to $10 a month.  To qualify for a free computer and tech support, you must be a 1st time broadband subscriber. This is a time limited offer.  Apply Aug 4 – Sept 20 to qualify]