We are thrilled to recognize our former intern and advocate Rossana Reis for her poetry being accepted in the 29th Solo Mujeres Show, “Intersectionality,” at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts Gallery @ 2868 Mission Street, 2nd Floor in San Francisco. Opening reception March 26th-May 2nd. For more of Rossana Reis’ work, go to www.rossanareis.com.
What It’s Like to Be Me: DeafBlind Disabled Queer Latina
Ping ponging between moving chatters
Gestures, gists, do I really matter
Protactile, captions, transcripts are grand
My whole consciousness and vision expand
A cobra, canary, cougar or cow
Making guesses out of cumulus clouds
Unless I am given a useful clue
Not sure what value and respect it’s due
Image, video descriptions solve codes
Synapses fire, messages uploads
A restful night of sleep is a blessing
Awake with aches, I will not be dressing
Overwhelmed, sometimes to myself, I’m unkind
My muscles reeling behind my ambitious mind
Smiling, laughing, sun shining on my soul
Depth and meaning, I crave to fill my hole
Misread assumptions based on preconceived notions
Presuming I’ve not yet chosen or been chosen
I breathe, share space with much love and delight
Queer is a way of being, a birthright
During family festas, I feel unease
I studied English, Spanish, and Portuguese
Can they learn ASL, LSM, or LIBRAS
So we can have more bate-papos com vida?