Training for interpreters

Interpreting Effectively and Safely for Deaf Survivors of Violence is a two-day training designed to prepare American Sign Language and Certified/Deaf Interpreters to interpret in contexts involving sexual and domestic violence. Hosted by the Accessing Safety Initiative, we encourage interpreters to attend and learn more. Visit their site for more...

Pictures / Video available from Glimmer of Hope 2013

We have posted photos and a video on our DeafHope Facebook page. But, if you don’t have Facebook, don’t fret! The website URLs are below for non-Facebook users to view. Enjoy! Ken’s pics – Roz’s pics – Norman’s pics – YouTube video – Thanks and hope to see you at Glimmer of Hope next...

We had a Fabulous time!

Thanks to everyone for coming out to support our 10th Annual Glimmer of Hope event! A big shout out to our phenomenal VIP...