We are thrilled to have been chosen for an 18 month immersion program to elevate DVSV advocacy services. Through the Advocacy Learning Center, we are working with DVSV agencies from around the country to talk about our work to end violence against women. Our Empowerment Directors are in Minnesota for a few days, our third in person meeting – stay tuned for more updates! [image description: training poster showing a painting by Mali Kouanchao of three women of color raising their hands up together toward a swirling backdrop of blue sky, red mountains and green landscapes. The conference title is shown: The Advocacy Learning Center, a force for change. Welcome. Praxis International, Office on Violence Against Women,...
In 2001, Michael Peterson took a series of beautiful black and white photographs of Deaf mothers to raise money and awareness in support of DeafHope services to end domestic and sexual violence. These photographs are hung in our office and we want to share them with you today. We honor of Deaf mothers everywhere, thank you for your endless love and care in our communities! [image descriptions in alt...
[flyer description: white background with purple accents, three images (purple ribbon domestic violence awareness logo, logo of white house outline with white silhouette of three people inside house, and black silhouette of father, two children and mother holding hands against purple background). Black text of flyer: ODEAF (Oregon Deaf Empowerment Advocacy for Families proudly presents…Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocacy Training. When: June 24-26 2016 Friday 4:00-8:00pm Saturday 8:00am-4:00pm Sunday 8:00am-4:00pm Where: Central Oregon Comm. College Campus Center – Willie Hall 2600 NW College Way Bend, OR 97702 Admission is $25 (40 seating limit) Presenter – Keri Darling Director/Trainer Deaf Vermonters Advocacy Services (DVAS) in Vermont Training Topics – Domestic and Sexual Violence, Technology, Elder Abuse, LGBTQ, Specific issues within Deaf community, Advocate Role, “In her Shoes” simulation Please RSVP by June 1, 2016 You MUST register online Click here to register online OR send check or money order: ODEAF PO Box 498 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 NO INTERPRETER PROVIDED Questions or nearby hotel information: mailto:...
[image description: graph representing the causes of sexual assault. The graph is one large purple circle. The graph key to the right colored squares show what different colors on the graph represent. Red: revealing clothing Green: alcohol Blue: walking home alone Orange: flirting Yellow: being in the wrong place Purple:...
[image description: collage of five photos. Top left: DeafHope team sitting around a large dining room table, green trees visible outside a long bank of windows, warm round light hanging down at the middle, papers and cups are strewn around the table. Top right: dark wood paneled room, standing white screen with projected image of DeafHope logo and text DeafHope Retreat, Amber and Tara are standing to either side of the screen, Tara signing “our”. Bottom left: close up photo of someone holding the new DeafHope restraining order brochure, a white small card with three purple line drawings (someone on FaceTime, three people standing and arrows between them, an angry person texting on a phone) and purple text. Bottom right: wooden panel with carving of a leafy tree, words Sunol TreeHouse est. 1931, reddish lighting glowing behind the panel. Middle image: DeafHope team standing outside on a deck with sunlight glowing and green leafy trees behind them (right to left) Brian Berlinski white male wearing an eggplant colored long sleeved top and dark pants, Sherrie Donaville-Sims African American woman wearing a bright orange shawl and flowered pants, Aracelia Aguilar Latina woman wearing a black top, Rochelle Greenwell Latina woman wearing a grey sweater, Tara Holcomb white woman wearing a black cardigan, Mary Klein white woman wearing a blue zip up jacket over a grey top, Julie Rems-Smario white woman with a large grey blanket wrapped around her. Sitting in front is Amber Hodson white woman wearing a grey top and Jane Whitney white woman wearing a blue...