It’s time for the Super Bowl…

… and it’s time to end our silence about domestic and sexual violence. [image description in youtube]      ...

Introducing Deaf Action to End Domestic and Sexual Violence

We are proud to collaborate with ADWAS in Seattle, WA; ASADV in Rochester, NY; and Vera Institute of Justice on this project, funded by the Office on Violence Against Women. We aim to strengthen the movement to end domestic and sexual violence in Deaf communities through training, consultation, and networking. [description and transcript in...

DVSV Community Training

We had a powerful, inspiring weekend together at our community training. It is an honor to see the ever-growing community of allies for Deaf survivors! [image description: photo on left shows Aracelia Aguilar presenting in a conference room, behind her a powerpoint slide reads Sexual Assault Crime Flowchart and the DeafHope Power and Control wheel is visible on the side. photo on the right shows a group smiling at the camera, along with a sweet service dog in the...

Honoring Marie Smith

Sweet Marie will forever be our DeafHope angel. Her memorial service today was such a gift to us all, a beautiful gathering of the Deaf community she so loved. [image description: Photo of Stan and Marie Smith, kissing in a gondola, with blue skies and fluffy white clouds behind...

Reiki for Survivors – Thanks to Ami from DOVE

DeafHope is thrilled welcome Ami Garry from DOVE to share a special Healing Spaces workshop on Reiki.  Our morning together was full of connection and information.  Thank you for sharing your talents Ami! [image description: Ami presents as a white woman, she is wearing a purple patchwork sweater, glasses and her long hair pulled back. She is in a conference room with a powerpoint presentation next to her. The first image shows the text “What is Reiki: how can it benefit YOU? Presented by Ami Garry, CRMT” the second image shows the text “What does Reiki do? Relieves pain, clears toxins, promotes creativity, relaxes and reduces stress, promotes natural self-healing, enhances personal awareness” Below the photos purple text says “DeafHope Healing...